Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hidden Principles of success in Hindu rituals
Hindu rituals for daily prayer is most misunderstood among Hindus because of lack of knowledge. Even for most of my life growing as a kid I never understood the reason  of why our parents were teaching us to do daily worship of god & follow different rituals.
Until 1989 when I came in contact with Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya, the founder of All World Gayatri Pariwar, Shantikunj, Hardwar and started reading his books on rituals, Hindu philosophy & other topics.
While I was able to understand the logic behind all the rituals, I was still not able to link those with personal success in family relationship, job and finances.
I have grown up in middle class family and money was always the challenge. I was not able to understand that while we are doing lot of daily pooja, laxmi poojan, navgrah poojan, we were not able to earn more money than needed. On the opposite end, the people living in America are wealthy and living the world's best life style without doing any of the rituals or pooja.
Only after moving to USA in 1999 and coming in influence with few young, rich friends, I started reading books on principle of success.
After obtaining the knowledge on basic principles of success, I could connect the link between best of Hindu philosophy of daily prayers and many rituals with hidden principles of success followed by every rich & wealthy persons in the world.
I am tabulating the information for the benefits of readers. Law of success is referred from the book" Laws of success" by Napoleon Hill
Mr Hill has detailed out 12 laws of success as under:

Law 1-The Master Mind
Law 2-Definite chief Aim
Law 3-Self Confidence
Law 4-The habit of saving
Law 5-Initiative & Leadership
Law 6-Imagination
Law 7-Enthusiasm
Law 8-Self-control
Law 9 Habit of doing more than paid for
Law 10-Pleasing Personality
Law 11-Accurate thought
Law 12-Concentration

If you need additional information on any of the ritual, contact me.
Philosophy for success
Law of success
Worshiping Guru

For getting success in a particular field (Job, Business, Art, Sports etc.) we need to identify a mentor who has been successful in that chosen field. Be a good student and surrender ourselves to the direction of mentor. Have a master mind alliance with our mentor.
Law 1-The Master Mind
Habit of daily chanting of Gayatri mantra
Gayatri Mantra is chanted as “Om  bhurbhuvah swah  tatsaviturvarenyam  bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah  prachodayat

This inspires righteous wisdom. It means that the Almighty God may illuminate our intellect, which may lead us on the righteous path. This is the most important prayer. All the problems of a person are solved if  he is endowed  with righteous wisdom.

Seeking for wisdom so that we can distinguish what is good and bad for us.
Repetition of mantras works as a Power of Spoken words. Even though same mantra, same meaning but we still need to do it every day from our child hood to death. Same rule applies to speak our goal on daily basis. When we listen the same teaching again and again, it become our dominant thought process & subconscious mind started working in that direction.
Gayatri mantra results in self-confidence, enthusiasm, pleasing personality & self-control
Law 11-Accurate thought
Law 3-Self Confidence
Law 7-Enthusiasm
Law 8-Self-control
Law 10-Pleasing Personality

Worshiping Lord Ganesh-Representation of Planning

Any task should be done with proper planning. Written down game plan, with activities and backup plan. Have a game plan for your success every month.
Law 2-Definite chief Aim
Law 11-Accurate thought
Having multiple God, Goddess pictures and statue visible in our home, computer, locket in our body or tying Kalawa/Nadi chedda in our wrist

Power of Visualization, power of Faith in unseen,
Constant reminder of the Godly virtues, faith that god will protect us if we follow the godly principles.
If you have not written down your dreams and Goals and pasted on your refrigerator or prayer room, today is the time (Recommended book to read-GOALS-Bryan Tracy)
Law 6-Imagination
Law 12-Concentration
Lighting Lamp in front of God on daily basis

Lamp represents Omnipotent god and teaches us following
Lamp as container-Increase our capacity to hold more, to light more lives and at longer duration
Ghee in it –Be sensible to others situation, challenge and have the purest thoughts about someone
Cotton wick in it-Strong determination to let it burn itself until finishes-Have strong determination with persistence to share the light of your success to all around you until you are dead
The flame which lights the area around it and always goes upward direction to meet its original source –Sun. Similarly no matter how many challenges life gives to us, we should be working towards our upliftment and growth to accomplish our goals
Law 8-Self Control
Law 12-Concentration
Law 9 Habit of doing more than paid for
Having Shikha/Choti on head & tying knot every day after shower

Represent the Spot from where all thoughts enter human mind. Our Actions are governed by our thoughts. Hindu spiritual scientists were smart enough to train human mind with daily practice to stop the NEGATIVE Thoughts by tying the knot in Shikha. Make it an integral part of any pooja(prayer) to remind to protect mind from Negative thoughts and seek positive thoughts by daily prayer
Magic of Thinking Big- David J. Schwartz-chapter 3 Power of positive thoughts
Having  sandalwood Tilak on forehead

Be calm and fragrant like Chandan (Sandalwood)
Even when it is grinded, burn or cut, it maintains fragrance and herbal properties, we need to maintain our calmness.
Applied on Forehead which is the part where all the thoughts are process to induce action.
Using Ring figure to remind us to be polite and humble
Applying from bottom going upwards-praying for own success and others success for everyday growth.
So stay cool, No anger, and process your positive thoughts with cool mind, and take action
Law 8-Self Control
Law 10-Pleasing personality
Law 11-Accurate thought
Tie kalawa or auspicious thread on wrist. (representation of reminder to live a life by godly principles so that god will protect us from unforeseen)

For successful business/job, remind yourself to follow all local, national, international laws, your company mission and corporate philosophy. Have a screen saver or digital frame with your mission statement in front of your eyes.
Law 8-Self Control
Navgrah Pooja

We have been horrified since childhood that all stars should be in favorable conditions. If they are not per your birth chart, than you need to do special pooja for that.
During my analysis, if someone can take care of following 9 good habits
Read positive books daily
Listen to positive audio CD daily
Be in positive association as often as you get chance
Be Teachable to your mentor
Be accountable to your words, goals, responsibility
Willing to change with time & Technology
Communicate freely
Share your idea/goals with 3 or more people weekly and form an association of like-minded people,
Stay away from people who do not align with your idea/goal]
 there would not be any trouble in life because you will be successful.
Above 9 habits represents 9 planets. If your life is not in balance than sit down with your mentor& fix the missing habits from above.
Law 5-Initiative & Leadership
Law 8-Self control

Use of Rosary (Mala) during pooja


There are 108 beads representing 9 planets and 12 rashis. (9x12=108)
If you are not happy with your situation than follow 9 good habits for your Planets and share your business/goals with 12 people for your Rashis. Combining together will become one mala.
During rosary, think about your goals, repeat your success goals make it a dominant thought process. Ref Book-Think & Grow Rich-Napoleon Hill
Law 1-Master Mind
Law 2-A definite chief aim
Law 9-Habit of doing more than paid for

Invest some time every day to meditate on your chief aim of life, foresee your success in present. Relax your mind and let fresh thoughts come to your mind about your success.
Law 6-Imagination
Law 3-Self Confidence
Law 10-Pleasing personality
Lotus flower as asana/sitting for God

Like Lotus blossom in mud but keep itself clean
We might be working in our daily life with coworkers/family which is having negative attitude or bad habits, but we need to be like Lotus to keep ourselves away from that so that God can sit within us.
Magic of Thinking Big- David J. Schwartz, Chapter 3
Lighting scent sticks or Dhoop/Yagna ahuti

It spreads the fragrance with air. We are expected to spread good words about God and benefits of following godly principal.
Apply this thing to your life goal and spread the benefits of being a positive person everywhere.
Law 7-Enthusiasm
Law 5-Initiative & Leadership
Law 9-Habit of doing more than paid for
Hawan (Yagna)-Righteous deeds.

All the wisdom sought by Gayatri Mantra is wasted if it is not applied for the benefits of us and the society by taking the righteous actions. Same thing all the knowledge acquired by listening positive CD, reading positive books or being in positive association is wasted if we do not take action of showing, sharing and promoting our services.
Why do we regard the sacrificial fire of Yagna as purohit (priest)? It inspires us to imbibe its five idealistic qualities in our life.
Fire has the characteristic of always being hot and bright. We are inspired to lead bright, radiant, active lives like fire, full of wisdom and brilliance.
The flame of fire always goes upwards. One may apply any amount of pressure but its flame never goes downwards. It teaches us that despite immense pressures of fear and temptations our flame of wisdom, and foresight should ever be kept-alight and up-turned.
Anything coming in contact with fire becomes fire itself. We should also have such a quality of excellence in our character, so that any one coming in our contact may become refined.
Fire accumulates nothing. Whatever is offered in the fire is vaporized. It is distributed throughout in the atmosphere and becomes universal. We should also not accumulate possessions for our selfish ends but utilize all our resources and qualities for advancing the good of the people. We should be generous and lovingly kind.
The residue of fire is ashes. Ultimately physical forms of all human beings are going to be reduced to a handful of ashes. The idea behind applying (ashes of Yagna) on the forehead is that man should always remember the inevitability of death and utilize each and every moment of his life in the best possible manner.

Do your yagna (Activity towards your goal) everyday.
Law 5- Initiative & Leadership

Law 9-Habit of doing more than paid for
Distribution of Prasad to everyone without prejudging
Distribute CDs/ Literature/samples of your work/business to people you are meeting and sharing the plan.
Law 9 Habit of doing more than paid for

Kalash Poojan

Integral part of daily prayer and any specific pooja or Hawan
Representing Universe and its eco balance with all the devtas having different personality and properties. Signifies Unity among devta.
Same thing at your family level or team level you will have differences in personality. Learn to stay united and work towards the common goal
Law 5-Leadership
Guru prampara
GURU means inspiring force which leads us to righteous path and show the pathway to know about God. Disciple has to take action on faith.
Have mentor in your life and maintain that Mentor/mentee relationship with constant and regular communication.
No ego with your Guru. Only your business mentor can show the pathway towards your goals. You have to take the action
Learn to submit to your mentor towards the common goal/mission
Law 1- The Master Mind

Ram-Sita, Radha Krishna, or Shiv-Parvati- performing pooja with your wife next to you

Involve your spouse in your dreams & goals if you are married. Respect each other. Communicate and share the role and responsibilities.

Ref Book:-Men are from Mars and women are from Venus.
Donating Dakshina
Represents giving away your bad habit and in return acquire one good habit.
Napoleon Hill in his Law of Success book, urge us to give away one negative habit and develop one good habit towards our goal.
Every pooja we need to give Dakshina. So every day if we quit one bad/negative habit and replaced with one positive habit like reading book, listening CD or something else, your success is very close.
Law 4-The habit of saving
Inviting everyone from neighborhood, family and friends for special pooja at your home so that they can get benefited and you are contributing in spreading a word about god
Organize seminar. Presentation, about your product or services occasionally and invite everyone.
Law 9- Habit of doing more than paid for

Final Conclusion-Follow USA
Upasana- Be in right association. Find positive group of people who encourages each other and be part of that on weekly basis.
Sadhna-Self-discipline in every aspect of senses and habits. 24/7 practice power of spoken words, stop negative thoughts and words about your partners/employees/customers & spouse, family
Eat right and health
Aaradhna-Apply to society what you learn from Gayatri and yagna (server your customers, employees with your talents, products and services)

Law 8-Self Control
Law 1-Master Mind
Law 9- Habit of doing more than paid for

Donation of Time and Money
Everyone has 24 hours and fixed income. However for God’s work it is recommend to pull out 1 hour every day and 10% of your income to support right work.
Commit yourself to invest 1 hour a day and income to spread these principles of success by CDs/DVD/website/blogs/social media
Law 4- The habit of saving